“Culture is a strong part of people’s lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. So, when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.” (1)

Growing up in Hawai’i for me was a joy and a blessing I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. We are surrounded by beautiful lush green mountains that takes your breath away. When your eyes follow the mountain ridges downward, you may capture the beauty of a rain forest, waterfalls and streams, green grasses, white sandy beaches, glistening oceans, or a spectacular sunset. “Can there be anything more beautiful than this?” you may ask. Maybe, or maybe not. The connection to these creations begins, but never ends with the culture of the people. You may feel enraptured by these breath-taking scenes, then snap a picture, or capture it all on video, but unless you were involved with the people, you will NEVER know the feeling of what we cherish…the ALOHA SPIRIT. Here is the Hawaiian understanding of what encompasses this feeling that you may not feel anywhere else in the world. It comes from our hearts, placed there from birth whether we were aware or not, or by our Kupuna (grandparents), and that we’ve also felt here from our new neighbors and friends.
Aloha is more than HELLO and GOODBYE. It is the essence of our very being. Here is a Hawaiian meaning of ALOHA, which Anthony and I hope you will feel from us at the Lakeview Inn, and take with you to share with others.
- Akahai (Ah-kah-high) Kindness; to be expressed with tenderness
- Lokahi (Loh-kah-hee) Unity; to be expressed with harmony
- Oluolu (Oh-loo-oh-loo) Agreeable; to be expressed with pleasantness
- Haahaa (Ha-ah-ha-ah) Humility; to be expressed with modesty
- Ahonui (Ah-ho-noo-ee) Patience; to be expressed with perserverance
Here at the Lakeview Inn, it is our desire and responsibility as Innkeepers to enhance the beauty that Naples, Maine brings by sharing with you, OUR Aloha. Join us on the journey, book today.
(1)Axner, Marya. “Section 1. Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities.” Chapter 27. Working Together for Racial Justice and Inclusion | Section 1. Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities | Main Section | Community Tool Box, ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/culture/cultural-competence/culture-and-diversity/main.